Frequently asked questions:

Here you can find some of the most frequently asked questions, along with their answers.
Why is Yuri not responding?

Sometimes Yuri may stop responding due to it either being down or starting up.
To check the bot's current status check Yuri's status page.

In some cases Discord's API itself may be experiencing technical difficulties and therefore Yuri may be slow to respond as a result.
To check Discord's API status check Discord API's status page.

In the case the bot is not experiencing technical difficulties, there is a chance the issue is being caused by the permissions setup on your guild. For more information on the permissions Yuri requires check the required permissions.

What prefixs does Yuri support?

As well as the now well known slash command input system built into Discord, some of Yuri's commands can now be executed via the traditional chat based commands.

However due to Discord limitations, currently the only supported prefix is mentioning the bot.
Example: "@Yuri PyBot help"

What permissions does Yuri require?
  • Required Read messages: Required for Yuri to recieve command/game inputs.
  • Required Send messages: Required for Yuri to respond to command inputs.
  • Optional Attach files: Required for image gen commands.
  • Optional Use external emojis: Used in some commands like 2048 and Sudoku, makes the interface more user friendly but can work without the permission.
  • Optional Add reactions: Used rarely as indicators on some commands, not an important permission.
  • Not required Manage messages: Used in auto deleting some game inputs (like moves in Minesweeper) to help keep chat clean.

In some cases Yuri will attempt to alert you of when it lacks permissions to run a certain command.
These tend to be in the form of a message in the channel you are attempting to run the command in.

Why is Yuri offline?

There are a variety of reasons Yuri may appear as offline for short or even long periods of time:

  • Yuri encountered a fatal error that caused it to crash.
  • Yuri is either down or undergoing maintenance.
  • Yuri is starting up and isn't fully ready yet. (startup can sometimes take a couple minutes due to the number of shards/guilds it has to manage)
  • The Discord API may be down and Yuri is unable to connect. (Discord API's status page)

If the bot is down you can join the support server to check if any news has been posted in yuri-nouncements about the reasoning behind it.

Is Yuri open source?


However, the library Yuri is built on, is! Check it out here!

What languages does Yuri support?

Currently Yuri only supports English, for now there are no plans for other language support.

Why "Yuri PyBot"?

As you may expect from the name and avatar, Yuri is based off of the character Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club. Although over time the bot has branched away from being focused primarily on Yuri, it was decided to keep the name.

"PyBot" is just a reference to the bot being made in Python.

Bot errors:

Sometimes Yuri will throw out errors to you in the case that something goes wrong, here you can see a list of the common errors and what they mean.

⌛ > This command is on type cooldown, retry after n seconds.

To prevent abuse of certain commands, cooldowns are put in place to prevent spam.

When you get a cooldown error message its nothing to worry about, just wait the amount of time defined and try running your command again!

  • user The cooldown is per user meaning multiple people can run the command at once, just not one person repeatedly.
  • channel The cooldown is per channel meaning if someone runs the command in #general, that command can still be run in a different channel, just not in #general until the cooldown is over.
  • guild The cooldown is across the whole guild meaning once the command is run the cooldown will be present in every channel on the guild despite who tries running it. (This is rarely used and you may only notice it in 1 or 2 commands.)

⛔ > This command can only be run n times at once per type. Please try again later.

Similar to cooldowns, some commands make use of a maximum concurrency system that will limit the amount of current instances a certain command can have at once. This is in place mostly for commands where running multiple instances at once could cause various issues.

Commonly this will be user specific meaning other users can still run the command. Simply finish any existing instances of the command you were running before trying to run it again!

🚫 > This command can only be used inside a guild.

Self explanatory, commands that throw this error are commands that can only be run inside of a Discord guild channel and not inside a DM with the bot.

This is usually due to the command making use of certain elements within a guild and would break when run outside of one.

🔞 > This command can only be used in NSFW marked channels.

Another self explanatory one, commands that throw this error can only be run inside of a discord guild channel that is marked as NSFW.

This tends to be due to the content of these commands containing content that may not be fully acceptable for younger users under the age of 18.

⚠️ > This command can only be run via the slash command system, please try again.

As of v11 of Yuri PyBot, commands can now be run in the traditional text command system alongside slash commands.

However some commands are limited to only slash command input due to functionality making use of the discord Interactions system.

Simply run the command again using the slash command system instead.

🕵️ > This command can only be used by the bot owner.

Not to be confused with guild owners, commands that throw this error can only be run by Yuri's developer/owner themself.

This is due to these commands being rather dangerous and can break certain things if used incorrectly. Most of these commands include debug and management tools for Yuri.

🔍 > This command requires some arguements, Correct usage: command args...

When using text based command input it can be sometimes hard to know the exact arguements the command requires. This error is thrown to help inform the user when they get arguements incorrect how to properly use the command.

Simply rerun the command with the correct args. If you need more help with a specific command check out the documentation!

🔍 > Invalid arguement parsed, Correct usage: command args...

Similar to missing arguements, this error is thrown when you enter an arguement that Yuri does not recognise.

Simply rerun the command with the correct args. If you need more help with a specific command check out the documentation!

🛡️ > This command requires the following permissions to run. Please contact a server administrator to fix this issue before trying again. ...

Some commands require specific permissions to run as intended. When Yuri lacks these permissions, this error is thrown to inform the user of the specific permissions it lacks.

If you are a member of the gulid, contact your administrator to fix the issue. If you are an administrator however, simply enable the permissions the error logs and the command should run as intended.

If you recieve an error that is not listed here, get in contact with us either via the bug report system or the support server.